How to draw a rectangle in expertgps
How to draw a rectangle in expertgps

Small Display a small bar, selecting the most appropriate scale unit automatically None Do not display a scale bar on the map Large Display a large bar, selecting the most appropriate scale unit automatically Scale Bar Select the type of scale bar to display: Select None to display the map without grid lines. Grid Lines To change the number of grid lines on the map, change the Grid Lines setting. Hover Select the data field to display when the cursor is hovering over an object. Zooming in or changing the position of some text labels can prevent overlap. Hide Overlapping Text When selected, ExpertGPS will automatically remove hide text labels that would have been drawn over the top of other text on the map. To turn off waypoint text on the map, select Off. Text Select the waypoint data field to display on the map. Symbols To display a small crosshair at the waypoint location, instead of the larger waypoint symbol, select Off. To hide all text on the map, choose Hide All. Text Size To increase the size of labels on the map, choose a larger text size. While drawing long routes or tracks to reduce the need to switch to the Move Map tool every time your path takes you off Scroll automatically at map edge To automatically scroll the map when the cursor is placed near the edge of the map, check Scroll automatically at map edge. Show North Arrow Your map will have a diagram in the lower right corner showing True North, the magnetic declination for Magnetic North, and if you have selected a rectangular coordinate grid like UTM, the offset to Grid North. Framed The label will be drawn on a solid background with a box drawn around it.

how to draw a rectangle in expertgps

Opaque The label will be drawn on a solid (100% opaque) background. Transparent The label will be drawn on a transparent (50% opaque) background. None The label is drawn without any background. Background Select the type of background to draw behind text labels: Drop Shadow You can make your data stand out off of the background map by adding a drop shadow. Label Text Choose a color to use when labelling your GPS data on the map. Grid Lines Choose a color to use when drawing the grid lines on the map. If the aerial photos for your area have lots of dark green foliage, you might want to use white grid lines instead of black, for example. ChooseĬolors that make your GPS data easy to see against the background.

how to draw a rectangle in expertgps

You can choose different text and grid line colors to use when drawing items on the maps and aerial photos in ExpertGPS. Colors for Maps / Colors for Aerial Photos

How to draw a rectangle in expertgps